Background info

Background information

Upcoming winter season we need to reach the following objectives:

Sit2Ski presence on the Austria /Switzerland and France slopes as an alternative for skiing, boarding, rodeln and an extremely good fun group activity

Ski-schools/ guides will act as early adopters as:

  • They can integrate the Sit2Ski in their lessons (programmes) and involve large audiences in a new fun activity for both experienced and inexperienced users
  • Incapacitated students who are unable to ski/board can still utilize the Sit2Ski to enjoy themselfes in the snow
  • Students afraid of heights or other problems now have an exiting alternative 
  • The Sit2Ski offers ski-schools an alternative les-programme and revenue generator next to traditional ski-school offering
  • Apart from ski-schools, also the rental shops will increase revenues by renting the Sit2Ski to ski-school students
  • By increased visibility of the Sit2Ski on the slopes, also other tourists will respond by renting the Sit2Ski from rental shops and even following lessons from the ski-school

At present we lack somebody who is as passionate as ourselfes to make this work. To be active in ski resorts to target the ski-schools, rental shops, others to get them familiar with the Sit2Ski product, its revenue potential etc. But also somebody who goes out on the sloped to give demo's, who can establish a local (hero) promo-team to enhance visibility on the slopes and increase local support.

We have enough plans up our sleeves and energy to make it work. Can you help from a local perspective?

Are you also inspired, potentially share our enthousiasm and willing to contribute to the launch of the Sit2Ski?

Let us know! 

Scratch the surface,

The Sit2Ski team.


  • Intervation B.V.
  • Hengelosestraat 52
    7514 AJ, Enschede
    The Netherlands
  • P +31 (0) 88 774 5570
  • M +31 (0) 6 2397 7945
  • E

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